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Welcome to Bright Light Mediation
A family mediation service

Home: Welcome

When a relationship breaks down we understand how, despite best efforts, finding a solution to your problems can seem insurmountable without some help.

Bright Light Mediation is a family mediation service specialising in working with couples in the process of separation, divorce, or family conflict.
We can help you work out the really important issues, and how you can resolve them without the need for going through the Courts.

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What is Family Mediation?

Family mediation is a form of dispute resolution that enables you to come to your own decisions about what is best for your family with the help of a mediator. 


The process of mediation is voluntary; you choose to take part because you want to resolve issues without going to Court. You can end the process at any time. 


As family mediators we are neutral, which means that we do not take sides, and the process is confidential.


Where children are involved, we want to ensure that they stay front and centre in your discussions.

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Why use Mediation?

You are in Control

With family mediation you stay in control over the decisions that affect your future, rather than giving the decision making to a judge or magistrates. You know better than anyone the dynamics of your family relationships and what will and won’t work for you and your children. Family mediation is strongly child focussed. Equally it can help you  agree how to divide your assets, including pensions, property, savings and investments.

It's Quicker and Cheaper than Court

On average, for a dispute over child arrangements, it takes between 2 to 3 sessions to resolve issues. If you go to court, it can be months between hearings and the whole process is very drawn out.

A High Chance of Reaching an Agreement

Over 70% of separating couples who try family mediation reach an agreement and many who go through mediation say that it helps them communicate better going forward; in sharp contrast to many court hearings.

Mediation is Less Stressful

The period around relationship breakdown is the most stressful of times. Arguing in court makes things harder and more painful. Family mediation is a far more constructive and positive process.

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Step 1

Initial confidential conversation

 (no charge)


Step 2

Mediator has an initial meeting with each of you separately 

(sometimes called a MIAM)

Step 3

Joint mediation sessions

Step 4

Preparation of a written summary of your proposals, often referred to as a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).




Our Mediation Process

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