Our Mediation Process

At Bright Light Mediation we choose to co-mediate, which means that very often there will be the same two mediators at all or many of your sessions.
This is at no extra cost to you, but we strongly believe that there is benefit to be had in having two mediators present particularly in complex/high value or high conflict cases when very often two heads can be better than one.
Step 1
Initial Conversation
(free of charge)
Step 2
Initial Individual Meeting (sometimes called a MIAM)
Step 3
Joint mediation sessions
Step 4
Preparation of written summary of your proposals (often referred to as a Memorandum of Understanding)
In the initial conversation, we will discuss if mediation is the right course of action for you and your partner.
If so, your mediators will have an initial meeting with both you and your partner, separately. This is sometimes called a MIAM (Mediation Information Assessment Meeting).
If you, your partner and your mediators all agree, the process of mediation can then begin with joint sessions that usually last between 1 and 1.5 hours.
It is not possible to predict or make any general rule about the number of sessions that may be needed or the time it may take to reach agreement. Much depends on the complexity of issues, and whether they relate to children and/or financial arrangements.
The initial meeting and the subsequent sessions are carried out on Zoom, although if everyone is in agreement we can arrange for it to be held in person (at an additional cost).
We offer an initial confidential conversation with one of our family mediators to explain what’s involved. There is no charge for this.
The initial meeting/MIAM costs £120 per person and these meetings are held individually.
Thereafter, the joint mediation sessions which are held with two mediators, are charged at £140 per hour per client (and pro rata for any period of time less than an hour). Sessions are usually around 90 minutes long so a typical session costs £210.00 per person and will usually include a brief record of the mediation session.
Once mediation is completed, we can draft documents which summarise your agreed proposals. These documents can be taken to your solicitors to be made legally binding.
Document Fees as follows:
Parenting plan costs £150 per person
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) costs £150 per person.
An Open Financial Summary (OFS) costs £150 per person.
MOU with OFS together costs £250 per person.